Water Design Criteria

Design Criteria

The requirements below are critical items required by Tennessee Department of Environment and Conservation (TDEC) and the Rules, Regulations, Rates, and Policies of LCUB’s Water Department. The engineer must ensure all requirements are met. LCUB strongly recommends a pre-design conference to review the development layout, including topography and sewer features, to ensure a successful project.

TDEC Requirements

The following items are required by TDEC’s General and Detailed Plans of Water Distribution Systems:

  1. All plans must be approximately 24″ x 36″
  2. Maximum scale for plans and profiles: 50 feet/inch; Maximum vertical scale: 10 feet/inch.
  3. Must include the name of water system and county in which it is located.
  4. The engineer’s name, address, and telephone number must appear on Page 1.
  5. Plans must be stamped and signed by a licensed engineer.
  6. Include a vicinity or location map showing the location of the project if a complete system map is not included.
  7. A key map that shows the location of detailed drawings is required when the project is comprehensive.
  8. Maps must clearly show the location, size, and material of all existing and newly planned water lines and appurtenances related to the project.
  9. Stream crossings, including elevations of the stream bed and the normal / extreme high and low water levels (if available) must be included.
  10. Maps must clearly show how the location of proposed water lines coincides with nearby roads, bridges, and other identifiable objects.
  11. All valves, fire hydrants, tees, reducers, enlargers, bends, and other appurtenances must be visible on maps.
  12. A hydraulic profile (or data and computations showing hydraulics or proposed additions) must be included. (NOTE: Lenoir City’s minimum standards are 750 gpm fire flow with 30 PSI residual pressure. This exceeds the State of Tennessee minimums. LCUB also requires the lowest and highest static and residual pressure to be calculated and shown on the plans.)
  13. Plans must be clear and legible.

LCUB Requirements

LCUB requires the following items, in addition to the list above:

The first page of the plans must include the following:

  • Project layout map with project name and design date.
  • Developer’s name, address, and phone number.
  • Property owner’s name, address, and phone number.
  • Servicing utility’s name, address, and phone number (LCUB, 7698 Creekwood Park Blvd., Lenoir City 37772, 1-844-687-5282).

The items below must be included in the plans:

  • Rights of way and easements needed for the water that falls inside / outside of the property.
  • Lot lines and locations shown on all plan views, including lot numbers.
  • Street names, edge of pavement locations, and the appropriate rights of way.
  • Locations of proposed service connections. Taps must be spaced to avoid conflict with sanitary sewer laterals.
  • A 100 foot stationing of water lines and stationing of all appurtenances on plan and included profile views.
  • Sufficient details shown to allow for material take off and location of lines in the field by a third party.
  • Plan / profile sheets must be drawn for water lines 12 inches in diameter and larger. Existing lines must be field located whenever reasonable. The source of the utility locations must be noted on the plans.
  • The relevant elevations of all pipe lines and conflicting structures at utility crossings (this includes a short profile view of all utility crossings of the water line where new utility lines are being constructed).
  • When included, profiles must be on the same sheet as the plan and oriented in the same direction (they can also be included as inserts on a plan sheet if appropriate).
  • Project name, date, scale, north arrow, and sheet numbers on all pages.
  • Inclusion of LCUB detail sheets.
  • Revisions tabulated on resubmissions.
  • Include the radius of all turns where joint deflection is to be used to curve the water line. For 8 inch pipes, the maximum deflection per joint is 5 degrees. For curves tighter than this, please include the appropriate bends as part of the plans.

    The developer (owner) and / or contractor shall adhere to LCUB Standard Specifications and Details.

    The water distribution system shall be a minimum of 6 inch C-900 or ductile iron pipe (no exceptions). Upon review of the plans, LCUB reserves the right to require the water distribution system to be 8 inch C-900 or ductile iron pipe in lieu of 6 inch.

    The developer (owner) and / or contractor must install 3-way valve clusters at all roadway intersections.

    The developer (owner) and / or contractor is responsible for any existing water distribution improvements required to provide adequate water pressure and fire flow to the new development as well as maintain the existing distribution pressures.

    The developer (owner) and / or contractor must install all water taps, service lines, meter yolks, and casings per LCUB standard specifications for the new development.

    The developer (owner) and / or contractor must install all fire hydrants (not to exceed 500 feet) and appurtenances per LCUB standard specifications for new development.

        General Design Notes

        The following notes must appear on all plans:

        1. All work to be performed will be in accordance with lenoir city utilities board’s water and wastewater department (current edition) specification and details.
        2. Pre-construction conference shall be conducted with lenoir city utilities board’s representatives, design engineer, and utility contractor prior to any utilities construction activities begin.
        3. Water line materials, installation, testing, and disinfection per lenoir city utilities board water and wastewater department standards (current edition).
        4. Contractor to install short-side and long-side service laterals and shall include a 1″ corporation stop (mueller h-15008), 1″ type k copper line, and a 3/4″ x 1″ “Y” branch connection (mueller #h-15343). All long-side 1″ service lines shall be encased with 3″ pvc and 3/4″ service lines shall be encased with 2″ pvc.
        5. Contractor shall provide and install a meter box and yoke. The meter box and lid must be manufacturered by darter steel and the yoke must be a mueller b2418-r in-line meter yoke with mueller connections h14227 (3/4″ cts) and mueller h14222 (3/4″ fip).
        6. Contractor must perform all water line tapes required for this project.
        7. Contractor must provide a shutoff valve on the customer side of the meter and install their own box.
        8. Fire hydrants for this project must be mueller super centurion #200 (yellow – open counterclockwise), with 5 1/4″ opening valve. Hydrants must be painted according to the standards listed below, in accordance with the latest nfpa code for marking hydrants and / or in accordance with lenoir city fire department’s standards:
          • Red < 500 gpm
          • Orange 500-999 gpm
          • Green 1,000-1,499 gpm
          • Light Blue >= 1,500 gpm
        9. Construction and inspection must be supervised by lcub and / or a representative of the design engineering firm so that the required professional engineer certification can be made to lcub. Lcub will not accept utilities that have not been certified in writing. All associated costs will be reimbursed by the developer.